Mojim Lyrics
Mojim Lyrics > Japanese & Korean singers > ACID ANDROID
ACID ANDROID【 14 songs in total 】
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  Song Lyricist Composer Date
2 ashes yukihiro yukihiro 2018-04
3 dealing with the devil yukihiro yukihiro 2023-07
4 demonstration yukihiro yukihiro 2023-08
5 division of time yukihiro yukihiro 2018-04
6 dress yukihiro yukihiro 2018-04
7 echo yukihiro yukihiro 2018-04
8 gardens of babylon yukihiro yukihiro 2018-04
9 gravity wall yukihiro yukihiro 2018-04
10 idea yukihiro yukihiro 2023-09
11 pale fire yukihiro yukihiro 2023-08
12 precipitation yukihiro yukihiro 2018-04
13 roses yukihiro yukihiro 2018-04
14 the end of sequence code yukihiro yukihiro 2018-04